How Natural Female Intimate Wash Is Important for Vulvovaginal Health?

Many societal and cultural influences are still there that consider talking about intimate care taboo. But it is the intimate area orifices that are most vulnerable to producing disease if they are not cleaned on a daily basis. The urethra and vagina in women are more unprotected than in men's urethra physiology. Hence, it calls for regular wash, which some women consider a lifestyle, but many still think of it as an option.

Although the vagina is a self-cleaning organ, it does not need the use of gentle Ayurvedic personal care products. It is the outer sensitive skin of the vulva that requires the use of intimate wash. Without regular cleaning with a V wash made of natural ingredients, vulvovaginal care would be at risk. If you want to understand the science behind feminine intimate hygiene and the importance of using intimate wash, read on to learn the basics.

Understanding the physiology of the vulvovaginal area

In the urethra-vaginal area, the vulva acts as the first defence line to protect the genital tract from infection. When the intimate area comes into contact with contaminants, they tend to accumulate in the folds of the vulva. The causing factors may include moisture, sweating, menstruation, and hormonal imbalance. All these can affect the area's microflora balance, which may lead to odour and hazardous infections. Using natural feminine hygiene wash can gently combat these infections and prevent smelly vulvovaginal areas.

The skin of the vulva is rather distinct compared to other areas, with varying hydration, irritation range, friction, permeability, etc. All these make the skin more sensitive. The vestibule in the vulva skin lacks keratinization, which makes the skin more permeable. The skin of female genitalia has a thin stratum corneum and large hair follicles, so it's easier for microbes and other residual substances to penetrate.

Vagina extends from the vulva as the external orifice to the opening of the cervix. The entire channel is made of smooth muscle lining that is considered non-keratinized epithelium. The lining is thick, and due to vaginal wall secretions and cervical gland mucus, the channel gets moisturised and cleaned until menopause occurs.

Microbial and pH ecosystem in Vulvovaginal area

Although there is less understanding of the microbial composition of the external vulva area, its crucial to maintain a balanced microbiota for protecting vulvovaginal health; the research program has suggested that the vulva microbial ecosystem is diverse, which includes vaginal, colonic microbes, and urethral microbes.

This combination is a composition of staphylococci, lactobacilli, micrococci, yeasts, and faecal-origin species. All these reduce the growth of external pathogens, which causes vaginal and urinary tract infections by creating an acidic environment and antimicrobial generation.

The healthy vaginal microbiome may fluctuate due to factors like age, infections, hormonal shifts, internal and external factors like hormone therapy, sexual activity, antibiotics, and poor hygiene. Hence, using natural feminine hygiene wash is a wise choice to prevent pathogenic bacteria and any progression of reproductive disease.

Microbial activities are what maintain the pH of the vulva. A balanced pH of the vulva ranges between a skin pH of 4.7 and vaginal pH of 3.5, and during the menstrual cycle, it should be 3.8 to 4.2. The pH creates an ideal environment to contact the growth of pathogens. However, the pH balance can fluctuate due to factors like vaginal discharge, humidity, menstruation, sweat, anatomical folding, age, and genetics.

External elements like soap, sanitary pads, tight clothing, cosmetics, and shaving can influence imbalanced pH in the Vulvovaginal area. Using intimate chemical washes can lead to vulval skin dryness and harsh chemicals penetrating the skin, which may potentially lead to many internal alterations. Ayurvedic personal care products are highly recommended for intimate hygiene, as prolonged vulva skin dryness can lead to pH reduction.

Why use Ayurvedic intimate wash for intimate feminine hygiene?

Commercial-grade over-the-counter intimate washes are designed with lab-generated chemical products, which only solves the targeted issue. Their extended use can be harmful to the body in sensitive Vulvovaginal areas. But Ayurvedic intimate wash offers holistic care that goes beyond preventing infections for feminine hygiene. The natural ingredients can provide essential protection that alleviates discomfort and ensures the vulva skin is properly moisturised.

These products contain Ayurvedic herbs like Aloe Vera and Neem for their antimicrobial properties. Moreover, the addition of chamomile and calendula is beneficial to soothe irritation in the area. They are convenient to use and offer post-menstruation relief. The use of tea tree and coconut oil help prevent discolouration and offer antiseptic benefits. Hence, choosing an Ayurvedic intimate wash can be nourishing and delicately balance the pH and microflora ecosystem in the Vulvovaginal area.

The cruciality of feminine hygiene can be understood since there are international guidelines for daily gentle cleansing of the vulva that will positively impact overall intimate health. Women should carefully choose natural, ingredient-based, clinically proven intimate washes that will offer specific antimicrobial advantages and other health perks. Choosing Ayurvedic intimate wash is suggested to be more beneficial over artificial chemically designed products to maintain the natural vulvovaginal microbiota intact while providing many internal and external benefits.
