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How Natural Female Intimate Wash Is Important for Vulvovaginal Health?

Many societal and cultural influences are still there that consider talking about intimate care taboo. But it is the intimate area orifices that are most vulnerable to producing disease if they are not cleaned on a daily basis. The urethra and vagina in women are more unprotected than in men's urethra physiology. Hence, it calls for regular wash, which some women consider a lifestyle, but many still think of it as an option. Although the vagina is a self-cleaning organ, it does not need the use of gentle Ayurvedic personal care products . It is the outer sensitive skin of the vulva that requires the use of intimate wash. Without regular cleaning with a V wash made of natural ingredients, vulvovaginal care would be at risk. If you want to understand the science behind feminine intimate hygiene and the importance of using intimate wash, read on to learn the basics. Understanding the physiology of the vulvovaginal area In the urethra-vaginal area, the vulva acts as the first defence l...

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